Tarpon and Bull Red Drum

Our Tarpon Season is in full swing. The Tarpon this season are in mixed sized schools from 50lbs to 175lbs. I along with most guides recommend at least a 6-hour trip to give you the best chance to land that trophy Tarpon.  There is plenty of live Menhaden for bait look for large bait schools off the beach and inlets and you will also see the Tarpon busting bait in those schools. Bull Red Drum are beginning to show up in St Simons and St Andrews Sounds. The Bull Redfish numbers will only increase in the next 30-45 days with fishing for them peaking around October.  Snapper season is also upon us. The Red Snapper season is alotted for 6 days this year and the fish are plentiful offshore, the best bet for fish over 15lbs is travel at least 28 miles offshore with fresh bait.  Inshore fishing is steadily improving with water temperatures falling out of the high 80's to the low 80's degree mark with fishing improving as temps fall. Good fish are being caught right now along the coast. Georgia Saltwater Adventures appreciates you reading our fishing reports, feel free to share and shoot us an email if you have any questions. gsacharterfishing@gmail.com